“Viola come il mare”: Can Yaman, Chillemi and consequences of love

3 min readOct 1, 2022


From 30 September to 4 November 2022, we will see them together on Mediaset in the series “Viola come il mare”, a light crime in 6 evenings, based on the novel Do you know the summer? by Simona Tanzini.

“Viola come il mare”: Can Yaman, Chillemi and consequences of love
Can Yaman, Chillemi

Can Yaman and Francesca Chillemi have spent a lot of time together over the last few weeks, dedicated to the promotion of the new project that sees them as protagonists: from the press conferences at the Venice Film Festival, where they also visited the Cosmopolitan AfterCinema, to the red carpet, walked side by side, the actor of Turkish origin and the actress of What God Help us have shown themselves to be accomplices in front of the cameras, happy to talk about the new job, a few weeks after its release.

“Viola come il mare” and, Can Yaman and Chillemi

Previewed during the 79th Venice Film Festival, the series tells the story of Viola, who decides to move to Palermo to look for her father whom she has never met.

The character played by Chillemi thus ends up working in the editorial staff of Sicilia WebNews, where he deals with crime news, and it is during his first investigation that he meets Francesco, played by Can Yaman, a commissioner with whom he will have a conflictual relationship made up of enormous misunderstandings but also a great attraction. The consequences of love.

In each episode, a new murder which both will investigate, she as a news reporter, he as a policeman.

At first on opposite sides, then increasingly on the same side. Because a real collaboration will be born between Viola and Francesco, not be easy.

Demir is used to thinking only with his head and Viola is used to always saying her.

She trusts everyone, he doesn’t trust anyone, she seeks dialogue, and he always prefers action.

“Viola come il mare”: Can Yaman, Chillemi and consequences of love
“Viola come il mare”: Can Yaman, Chillemi

Split between the need to find a balance, but, above all, always trying to resist that invisible thread of attraction that immediately binds them, the two will have to complete the challenges of their work, and beyond.

” It has been a wonderful 7 months and this has been a great fortune because working in a language other than your own is not easy,” said Can, who reveals that he has not yet seen the final result of the series, which he will enjoy with the audience as soon as it airs.

“I greatly respect Francesca’s sense of responsibility”, Can’s words, which Francesca’s later echoed: “A quality of Can that I would like?”, He asks during the interview with Cosmopolitan, ” he is an actor who gives himself and this is fundamental, it helps to do more and to give more.

From the human point of view we are both satisfied.”

But it would be an agreement limited only to the television sphere, which has nothing to do with everyday private life: Can Yaman, in fact, once engaged to Diletta Leotta, is now single, while Francesca is happily engaged to Stefano Rosso (with whom he also had a daughter in 2016), and the two have already denied their relationship outside the television context.

However, Can and Francesca remain accomplices and support each other in work, but also in everyday life, which today is consumed, to a large extent, even on the screen of one’s mobile phone.

The social profiles of both are measured in millions of followers, with whom they interact every day; a very attentive and involved fan base, especially in the case of Can Yaman, who in this regard expressed great solidarity with his colleague.

“I only ask you one thing,” said the actor during the interview with Cosmopolitan, addressing the female audience present at the meeting, “love Francesca because under my photos I see a lot of rivalry between you. Whenever I post a shot with a colleague or actress there are always a lot of women ready to insult her. I ask you to love each other more.”

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