Prince Joachim kissed his sister-in-law Mary: Queen Margrethe strips Royal Titles

5 min readOct 8, 2022


According to the indiscretions of a Spanish magazine, at the origins of the war between the two sons of Queen Margrethe, there is an attempt by Prince Joachim to approach his brother’s wife.

Prince Joachim
Prince Joachim

A Spanish publication has made a shocking claim concerning the actual cause of the Danish royal family’s present quarrel.

The family appeared divided after Queen Margrethe removed her younger son Joachim’s children from their royal titles, angering that side of the family.

Meanwhile, the children of Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary are unaffected.

Christian, 16, Isabella, 15, and twins Josephine and Vincent, 11, will keep their titles as direct descendants of the future King for the time being.

Prince Joachim reacted angrily to the decision, telling Danish media that he was given five days’ warning that his children Nikolai, 23, Felix, 20, Henrik, 13, and Athena, 10, would lose their royal titles.

According to a Spanish magazine, Vanitatis Elconfidencial, the family has dispersed because Prince Joachim was “seriously in love with his sister-in-law Mary.”

An image supposedly showing Prince Joachim attempting to kiss Mary at a gala celebration was also published in the Swedish journal Svensk Damtidning.

Vanitatis Elconfidencial wrote of the photograph, “With obvious signs of inebriation, it appears that the youngest son of Queen Margrethe tried to stamp his lips on his sister-in-mouth, law’s, but she got out of with an imperturbable smile, while Mary caught the awkward wink.”

According to the magazine, Danish media sources speculated immediately after Mary and Frederik’s marriage that Prince Joachim was “seriously in love” with Mary.

“It didn’t help that he announced his engagement to a French girl (Marie) with the same name and remarkable physical likeness in 2007,” the magazine continued.

The decision of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, who announced that she wanted to strip the children of her second son Joachim from the title of princes and Royal Highnesses, is still debatable.

The official reason is that Nikolai and Felix, the two children that the prince had from his first wife Alexandra, and Athena and Henrik, who instead had from his current wife Mary Cavallier, weigh too much on royal finances, which the queen wants to streamline to meet the collective sentiment and satisfy public opinion.

In a statement published after the announcement to end the controversy, you said that “certain decisions are taken to keep up with the times, to save the monarchy” and that, although he regrets the reaction of his son and grandchildren, he cannot do otherwise.

Prince Joachim and [sister in law] Princess Mary
Prince Joachim and [sister in law] Princess Mary

Margrethe publicly remarked on her decision to deprive four of her grandchildren’s titles, characterizing it as a “tough choice.”

“It is something I have been thinking about for a long time, and I believe it will benefit children in the future,” she added.

But the real story behind this Danish Royal House, according to the Spanish magazine Vanitatis Elconfidencial, is quite different.

Following the Danish monarch’s decision to modify his children’s titles, Prince Joachim of Denmark talked with his mother, Queen Margrethe II.

On October 7, B.T. announced that Her Majesty’s youngest son visited with the Queen in Denmark this week.

Lene Balleby, Director of Communications for the Danish Royal House, said B.T., “Queen and Prince did have a dialogue in Fredensborg. Everyone agrees to look forward, and as the Queen has stated, she and Prince Joachim want to navigate this situation calmly.”

Joachim is said to have gone to Paris on Thursday, where he lives with his wife, Princess Mary, and their two children, Prince Henrik, 13, and Princess Athena, ten.

The Prince has two sons, Prince Nikolai, 23, and Prince Felix, 20, with his ex-wife Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg.

Joachim was asked if the Queen had tried to talk to him in a previous interview with B.T., published on October 1.

At the moment, the Prince responded: “Unfortunately not,” she continues, adding, “it’s also family.” Or whatever name we choose to give it.”

On September 28, the Danish Royal House declared that Joachim’s children’s titles of Prince and Princess would be “discontinued” beginning next year, and they would only be able to use their Count and Countess of Monpezat titles.

Following the Royal House’s declaration, Joachim, Princess Mary , and Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg, spoke out.

On October 3, the Danish Queen stated in response to “strong responses” to her choice. The Danish Queen stated,

“I made my decision as Queen and mother, but as a mother and grandmother, I miscalculated how much my younger son and his family are affected.I apologize for making such a strong impact. Nobody should ever question that my children, daughters-in-law, and grandkids are the source of my greatest delight and pride. I now hope that we can find the tranquility to navigate our way out of this circumstance as a family.”

Prince Joachim approached Princess Mary

At the origins of the feud that would have triggered the removal from the court of Prince Joachim and his wife Marie, who has lived in France since 2020, there would even be an attempt to approach the former towards his sister-in-law, Crown Princess Mary, wife of the future sovereign of Denmark Frederik.

In the article “Marie vs Mary”, the Spanish newspaper revealed that, at the base of the frost between the two couples of brothers-in-law, there would be an episode, in particular, dating back to 2008, during a party at the Palazzo.

At the time, Joachim came from a difficult divorce from his first wife and a period of wild parties in Copenhagen’s cool clubs.

The Royal Danese
The Royal Family Danese

The arrival at the court of Mary Donaldson, the beautiful Australian wife of his brother Frederik who, when he ascends the throne, will become his queen consort, according to the local press, would have “shocked” him.

Many tabloid newspapers in those years had titled Prince Joachim felt a feeling for her beautiful sister-in-law, so much to push him to look for a woman very similar to her.

And Marie Cavallier, now his wife, is very much like the Crown Princess.

The gossip, at the time taken up by the leading international magazines, reported a scene under the stunned eyes of Prince Joachim’s wife, who, drunk, had tried to kiss her sister-in-law Mary on the mouth.

The photo of the embarrassing moment, which ended up on the cover, was then forgotten: they returned to the fore in these days, in which we discuss the complicated relations between Frederik and his brother Joachim, ruined by the mother’s decision to withdraw the title of princes to children of the second.

Joachim’s unrequited love for Mary is unlikely to have caused the schism in the Danish royal house, but the gossip does not subside.

And, in the coming months, the game will be played on the front pages of tabloid newspapers.

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